Who Am I?

You are not who you think you are!

Let me say that once more:

You are NOT who you think you are!

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Why Am I Here?

To discover who you truly are.

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What Is My Purpose?

To emanate God's Love and Light through the vessel that you inhabit.

To know your truth as an Aspect of the Creator.

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Since 1993

Who? Why? What?

Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose?

These are the questions that once we stop long enough to listen, we hear. They keep us searching and seeking, but we never seem to find. We are sure that the answers will be in the next book, the next guru, the next Ted Talk, the next blog post, the next webinar, the next video, etc.

Are you ready to stop searching and seeking? Are you ready to find?

Well, the good news is: your search is over.

The answers are simple, so simple and frankly so lofty that we refuse to believe they are the answers we have been so ardently looking for.

Who am I?

The Divine Self

Why am I here?

To discover who you are.

What is my purpose?

To be a vessel for divine love and light.

It is one thing to know this intellectually and a totally different thing to know it on an experiential level.

Here you will discover ways to experience Who you are, Why you are here, and What your purpose is.



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