Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

I am. Are you?

I bet at this point you’re asking yourself: Ready for what?

Are you ready to consciously embark on this journey called LIFE?

First, I think we need to look into the meaning of life. What is life?

The dictionary defines life as the existence of an individual human being or animal. (I’m always fascinated when I look up the definition of words.)

So the journey is really about the existence of you as an individual human being.

That begs the question: Why do we exist? Why are we given life? Why is it necessary for us to experience life?

Now it becomes really interesting! Who is asking these questions?

The first thing that should be pointed out is that in order for us to be asking these questions we had to have existed before we were birthed onto this planet, therefore, we must not be these bodies that we inhabit.

Then who are you? Who am I?

Discovering the answer to that question is the reason you arrived on planet earth, or in other words, to learn the truth of who you are.

This is a warning!
This is only for those who seriously want self-realization more than anything else, because once you start down the rabbit hole you won’t be able to turn back. Trust me on this. I know what I’m talking about. I have attempted on several occasions to stop and go back, but I knew too much. I couldn’t do it. Once the genie is out of the bottle, it is impossible to put her back in.

So you had better be completely certain that this is what you want before you say yes.

Personally I can tell you that it is the best decision I ever made. I do not regret anything. And I mean ANYTHING!

Be prepared there will be bumps along the way. But I promise that you will reach a point where you truly love the truth of who you are and your experience of this place we call planet earth will be completely different in a beautiful way.

Come join me! Let’s do this together! You are not alone! You have mighty companions willing to stand by your side through every step along the way! You won’t regret it!