It is fascinating to me how easily I become distracted. What do distractions do? They shift our energy in a different direction.
What are distractions? Here I go again with definitions. According to Google a distraction is a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.
Just ponder that for a moment. When we are distracted we are not giving our full attention to something else. We are literally expending energy on something that is usually far less important.
For instance, I am working on my property, but I have made a commitment to write before I basically do anything else. The ego is constantly tempting me, beckoning me to come outside and play with the rocks. It is awfully difficult for me to say no, but I have found that the more that I deny the ego the better I feel about me. When I put first things first, everything else becomes more pleasurable.
The first thing for me is devoting myself to my purpose. And part of my purpose involves writing, which I thoroughly enjoy. This is how I extend God’s love and light through the vessel I have been given. I feel an incredible amount of joy when I finish writing something. It gives me such satisfaction. In addition, to know that I have resisted the temptations of the ego to do something else I recognize that I have strengthened my ability to focus.
If we can limit the amount of distractions that we have we would discover that our lives would become much simpler. Quite often we aren’t even aware that we are creating distractions. Take some time to examine your life and see if there are areas where you can eliminate some distractions. By simplifying your life you will be much happier!