Be A Better Me

Each day I want to be a better version of me. This is not about comparing yourself to your neighbor or best friend or brother; it is strictly about you being a better you.

Start off every day by saying: What can I do today that will make me better than I was yesterday?

It really is so simple. Just find one thing that you did not give one hundred percent of your efforts to and do it again. This time do it with all of your heart. Whatever it is I can tell you it is much better coming from your heart. When you come from your heart it is literally impossible to go wrong.

For example, I was offered the opportunity once again to not talk about someone else. My small self baited me into the conversation and before you know it I was again saying things about someone else that I had no right to say. More important than that is the fact that I really don’t want to say them. After I have said those things I do not feel good about myself. In fact, I feel pretty miserable about me. The person showing up is in direct opposition to who I want to be.

It is like when you eat that second piece of cake and you know you shouldn’t, but you do anyway. Later you really regret it because your stomach hurts. And it gets even worse because the next day the scale reflects that you did in fact eat that second piece of cake.

Back to my opportunity to step up my game and be a better me.

So here I go again with one of those phrases that my mother used to say to me all of the time: If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Why is it that I think I know how someone should raise their children or if someone doesn’t do something I think they should that I have to make a comment about it.

I am crystal clear that this is what I am going to do better today. This is where I fell short of the mark yesterday. The better version of me is one who does not talk about other people in a negative way, one who only has positive and kind words to say about everyone. I want to be an uplifting force in the universe.

I would challenge you to find something everyday that you want to change about you and do it. It doesn’t have to be huge. You can start with something small. Remember this is your journey. This is your race. No one is going to tell you how to run it.

Acknowledging a certain area that you want to improve in is the first step. You are well on your way to the new and improved version of you!