More and more I am coming to the realization that
For anyone who is on a conscious journey, I am sure you have heard that phrase uttered frequently. Hearing those words and actually owning them are two completely different stories. This is the difference between intellectually knowing something versus experientially knowing it. When you know that everything is you, you will know that you are responsible for absolutely everything you see.
How is this possible? It is because everything I see is a reflection of my mind. What is in mind is being out-pictured on the stage of my life. Therefore, if I see something outside of myself that I don’t like it must be healed from within my mind. It cannot be healed from the outside. I must go within to the source and discover where I am misperceiving. Everything starts from within me, which is extremely empowering and daunting at the same time.
What is going on for me right now is that there is a figure in my dream who is not doing what I want him to do. Why is that? What is the lesson? What I am to learn from this? How do I get him to do what I want him to do?
This is the confusing part for me. If I am the director of my movie (which I am), and I am the main character then why isn’t everyone behaving the way I want them to?
It must be that there is something my Higher Self has determined I need to learn. I can clearly see from hindsight how with each step I am getting a little closer to learning the lessons.
The pieces of the jigsaw puzzle, a.k.a. Me were scattered far and wide. I am putting me back together piece by piece. With each lesson I learn I get one step closer and feel a little more whole. Each day I am determined to be a better version of me.
Everything is leading me home, back to me. Everything is me!