For a moment there I thought I was leaving the bliss that I have been inhabiting recently and that I have tried so hard to discover. I could see it slipping away. When I realized it was a choice a sudden calm came over me.
I asked myself is it really that simple to stay in bliss? The answer is yes. It takes persistence, determination and a willingness to see it through. But yes you can remain in nirvana if you elect to.
I can see the battle going on right now in my mind. My ego wants me to feel as though I have been forgotten, that I am not a priority. Whereas the Higher Self is reminding me of who I truly am and that I can see it differently.
How refreshing that is to finally be able to have a perspective! For so long I was unable to escape the viciousness of the ego. The ego has been my default for what seems to be my entire life. It was definitely a learned behavior, but the beauty of that is that I can unlearn it and learn something new. This can only be done consciously. The ego has taken over and assumed control but you can put it in its rightful place and put God in control. The ego clearly does not want my happiness, but I know for a fact that God does.
The ego wants me to suffer and be in pain. It is oh so happy to commiserate with me. It wants me to turn to it in times of trouble. In those moments where I am most vulnerable it is so easy to write the poor me story and wallow in the misery of it. The ego sucks me in with all of its sympathy.
I decided I no longer want sympathy. I want to learn the lesson that is being offered and grow and move on.
I like to have what I refer to as touch points. These are the places in my mind that I can go to to remind me of how to return to bliss when I have allowed myself to be yanked out of it. Glorious is one of those exquisite reminders.
She is this incredibly beautiful soul at the gym who is complete light. I am convinced she is a fairy or an angel. She prances around the gym singing while doing her work. All of her chores appear effortless. Whatever she does, she does with the sweetest smile on her face. When asked how she is, she responds: Glorious! Hence I have named her: Glorious.
She is a reminder for me that it is possible to live that way consistently.
My suggestion would be that you discover the touch points in your life that will remind you how to return to your state of bliss, nirvana, heaven, etc.
You do have a choice!