Each and every day it is essential to begin the day with gratitude. This will set the tone for the entire day.
When you come from a place of gratitude you cannot go wrong. Gratitude comes from deep within. When you begin to practice gratitude you will feel your heart start to expand and it will continue to expand until there is almost no more room in your chest. You literally feel it doing this. Mine has felt like it is on the verge of exploding.
Before you know it your whole body is filled with the most overwhelming feeling of humility and then an astounding sense of peace envelops you.
Give it a try. What is the harm? I promise you there is only an upside to this.
It is mind boggling how powerful this simple exercise is. It can easily change the direction of your whole life.
It essentially reboots your system. Think of a body that has been operating solely on junk food and one day its inhabitant decides to change its diet and fuel it with only healthy and nutritious food. That gives you some idea of the difference of living a life with gratitude at its core versus one that is self-centered.
Don’t get me wrong. I believe it is essential to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, but that is completely different from being self-centered.
You must come from a place of being balanced and centered in order to fulfill your divine purpose.
Be appreciative of even the smallest things that you have received, for instance, the food on your table, the roof over your head, etc. Start there if you cannot think of anything else. Once you start you will easily begin to recognize all of the incredible gifts you receive each and every day.
Begin with gratitude!