Feeling Blessed

This morning I am sitting on my deck looking out at my beautiful surroundings and am in such a state of awe that God has blessed me as the caretaker of this property. I really could not grasp that concept until fairly recently. The ego thought that this property is mine. There was a pride associated to the ownership.

I would find myself out on the street working on my rocks and as people would walk by many of them would comment on what a wonderful job I was doing or how beautiful it looked or what a labor of love. All of these things went straight to my head.

Was I beautifying this place to receive compliments? Absolutely not. I can unequivocally say that that was not my intention. Did every single positive comment bolster my ego? Absolutely yes. I have struggled with the ego in its desire to receive these compliments.

I was able to see this as a critical life lesson. One of the things this has taught me is to be gracious and humble in the receipt of praise. Each time now someone pays me a compliment I have another opportunity to respond in a genuinely humble manner and to know in my heart that this is all for His Glory.

Gratitude is another one of the many lessons that I learned through this. I realized what a gift I had been given to beautify this land for the enjoyment of others. I sincerely mean this. It warms my heart to know that the many people that come down this street get to enjoy this little oasis.

I can quite honestly say that I have loved every single second I have spent working on this property. It gives me such joy and pleasure. But I know that this is just a stop along the journey. I will have to release my role as caretaker and turn it over to someone else. It will just be another lesson among the myriad that I have to learn: the relinquishing of something that I have held so dear for so long. I have been so privileged to have been able to enjoy it for as long as I have. I know that whoever comes to take my place will experience a profound sense of peace in this sanctuary.

I am extremely blessed!