Intimate Relationship

Do you speak to God on a regular basis? Do you have an intimate relationship with God? Does God know your heart’s desire? Have you let God into the deepest recesses of your heart and soul?


God sincerely desires to know you in the most intimate way. He wants you to confide in Him your darkest secrets as well as your greatest desires. He wants to know everything about you.

In order for Him to know everything about you, you must communicate with Him.

How do you do that? You can pray, if that is what you feel most comfortable doing.

But that is not the only way, there are other ways. You have to do what works for you, what you are comfortable doing.

One option is to meditate. The whole notion of meditating never resonated with me. I never felt I was doing it properly. So I searched for another way.

I call my preferred method of communication with God connecting. I think it is very similar to meditating. The difference being that my understanding of how to meditate is to stop the thoughts in my mind or to reach a state of no mind. Neither of which came easily to me.

Connecting for me is just sitting in a quiet place, being still, focusing on my breathing and just allowing the thoughts that I want to share with Him to naturally rise to the surface, to bubble up from within.

Another way I communicate is by just simply talking to God, having a conversation with Him. Instead of talking to myself, which I tend to do quite frequently, I direct my conversation to God. Believe it or not it is such an incredible feeling because you know that He is listening to you. He wants to help you through this experience called “Life”. He knows how much we struggle and He is there for us each and every step along the way.

We are never alone. He is always with us. We are actually part of Him.


Start conversing with God and you will develop an intimate relationship with Him. And you can trust me about this: there is nothing better than that. It is not like anything else you have ever experienced.