Love Yourself

Let me say that again:




I cannot say that with enough emphasis.

I want to preface all of this by saying that the greatest service you can give to planet earth is to LOVE YOURSELF! There is no better gift to mankind than you loving yourself completely.

When I say to love yourself, you must love yourself exactly as you are. Love all of your perfect imperfections.

The nature of being human is that we have flaws, we sin, and we make mistakes. You cannot escape these things. You must embrace them. We are all in the same boat. There isn’t one of us on the earth plane that is perfect. We are just perfect exactly as we are. That is where the perfection lies.

One of the essential ingredients to loving ourselves is forgiving ourselves.

And we must forgive ourselves for all of our flaws, sins and mistakes. Don’t leave anything out! I mean anything. I really need you to hear that:


I mean unabashedly. For everything that in your heart you feel guilty for you must forgive yourself.

This is definitely the most expeditious way to love yourself.

Other suggestions I can offer are to ask yourself some really thought provoking questions. The first one would be:

Are you truly happy?

How do you discover if you are truly happy? Start asking yourself if you actually enjoy what you are doing?

It is pretty easy to take a look at what you are doing on a daily basis and ask yourself do I want to be doing this? Is there something else that I would rather be doing?

If there is something else you would rather be doing then the question becomes why aren’t you?

What I have discovered is that sometimes I am doing something because that is what is expected of me or it is what someone else thinks I should be doing with my life or perhaps I have been doing it for so long that I don’t even realize it is no longer enjoyable for me.

Quite often we do not take time to stop and analyze the motivations for why we are doing what we are doing.

Do yourself a favor and take the time.

Once you have determined what your motivations are for doing what you are doing then you must analyze if you want to continue doing the same thing. What are the benefits? What are the costs?

If the costs outweigh the benefits it is time for a change.

Now let’s go back to what it is that you would rather be doing instead?

Make a list of all of the things that you want to do in your life, your bucket list.

Then you need to orchestrate a plan that will allow you to begin to live a life that is authentically yours.

My suggestion is to live courageously, be bold. Do not waste any time. Time is precious and waits for no man. Pursue your dreams with all of the gusto you can muster. You only live this life once!