Lately my experience here on planet earth has been completely miraculous. I can only attribute that to the fact that I have actually followed the advice I have been giving myself for decades: Let Go and Let God.
There are so many ways to say this same exact thing. Find one that resonates with you. If you seriously follow any one of them you will arrive at the same place. Miracles will begin to unfold before your eyes one after another.
Don’t get me wrong! I am NOT telling you that you won’t have any problems. (I prefer calling them challenges.) You will continue to have challenges, and yes I am also referring to the big ones, the curve balls that are thrown at you. What I am saying is that you will be able to handle whatever comes your way with such grace, God’s Grace.
There will be an ease to your day-to-day existence. You will be in the flow of the river. Instead of swimming upstream against the current you will be carried by the current. At times you will feel as if you are floating. Your experience of planet earth will be one of effortlessness. Everything will lean towards you to bless you.
When you begin to feel that you are struggling you have inserted your will. You can instantly correct this by being still and going within and listening. Listening very carefully is the key to understanding what is next. Do not be concerned with anything past or future. Only be concerned with what is right in front of you.
I know you are going to say I make it sound so simple. It really is simple, but it does not come without practice. Remember this is a mind retraining. For decades our minds were trained to believe things that we have since discovered were not true.
Just think about how long we have believed those lies. Well when you consciously decide that you no longer want to believe those lies and you want to believe something else it takes sheer determination to convince yourself of the exact opposite.
Trust me when I tell you this: IT IS MORE THAN WORTH IT!
Expect miracles and live a miraculous life!