Do you really need to know?
Ask yourself that question before you go any further.
Do you really need to know?
I was just having a conversation with a friend of mine and wanted to ask certain questions that I knew would lead down a road I did not want to go down. It was the small self that really wanted the answers to those questions.
I literally was watching the small self holding on to her need to know. She did not want to let go, even though the answers she was looking for were not going to be the answers she received. In truth, she knew the answers: that there weren’t any answers. She still wanted to know.
When you can watch the small self battling with the Higher Self you know that you are aware that you have a choice.
In the past, I would have had no clue what was going on. I would have given into the small self and just let her have her way. I would not have realized that I had a choice, let alone, that there were consequences to making this decision.
The lesson I need to learn is to: LET GO AND LET GOD. My aunt used to say that to me quite frequently. I never fully understood what it meant until recently.
I have learned to do to do this by putting whatever I am dealing with on God’s altar and allowing His Will to be done, and not mine.
But I must confess that I am also guilty of taking those things off of the altar. Once I do I quickly realize that I am in for pain and suffering.
You can easily tell the difference between when you have truly let go and let God and when you are still holding on to your will.
When you have actually let go and let God you will experience the peace that passeth all understanding.
Keep putting whatever it is on God’s altar. And if you take it back, put it up on the altar again.
There is no shame in repeating this lesson as many times as you have to until you have learned it. Trust me, I have been working with this one for quite some time.