On Being Humble

Back to Google (Thank you, Google) for the definition of humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance.

Yesterday I certainly did not demonstrate how a person should act when wanting to be humble. In fact, I failed miserably in showing a modest estimate of my own importance. I clearly was not making an effort at it at all.

I did not start the day with the notion that I wanted to be humble, but in hindsight I can see how essential it is that you set your intentions for the day. If you do not you can wind up in the position I was in, which, by the way, was not pretty. In fact, it was quite ugly.

When I was reflecting on the day, it brought pain to me just thinking about how often I found myself talking about me, and what I had been doing.

I am going to take a step back and explain to you how all of this occurred.

Recently I have made some commitments to myself that I would do certain things. And very surprisingly to me I have been pretty faithful in keeping those commitments: regularly going to the gym, writing daily posts for my blog, and working on my landscaping.

To my chagrin, I have discovered that due to the fulfillment of these commitments I have become prideful. I have found myself boasting about my accomplishments. When I actually hear what comes out of my mouth I am shocked and dismayed.

I realize that that is not the person I want to be. I am disappointed in myself.

Today is a new day and the best thing is that I am presented with an opportunity to do it differently.

I get to choose once again how I want to respond in every situation. And today I want to be humble. When someone compliments me on what I have done I want to respond in the most humble and gracious way I know how. I want to demonstrate a modest estimate of my own importance.

Today I am setting my intentions for the day and at the top of the list is to remain humble.

The other thing I want to acknowledge is that none of this is possible without God’s unfailing support and guidance.

I can do all things through God who strengthens me.