How do I know that I am worthy?
Wow! That is a question that every one of us has asked at one time or another during our journeys on planet earth.
We go through the litany of items that obviously make it impossible for us to feel that we are deserving of anything, let alone the idea of being worthy. We each have a list that we are constantly adding on to; it just keeps getting longer and longer and longer. The distance between us and the notion of self worth, therefore, continues to get further and further and further away. The chasm is so wide and so deep that it seems unbridgeable.
Self worth is a beacon of light in the far, far, far distance. The black murky waters in between are filled with memories of past wrong doings, sins, mistakes… The moment we begin to feel that we might be deserving, that we might be worthy we are no sooner reminded of a sin that we committed or a past hurt that we inflicted on someone. Once that happens there is no stopping that endless list from being unveiled before us to ensure that we return to the bleak landscape we have been existing in where there is no hope of escape from the clutches of our past infractions. And then before we know it we are consumed with guilt and the hope of being worthy becomes a dim flicker on the horizon.
Don’t worry I would not have led you to this most dismal of places without offering you a bridge to self worth.
So how exactly do you recognize yourself as being worthy? The first thing you have to know is that each and every being on the face of the earth is worthy, but the majority of them do not realize it. You must believe the possibility exists first in order for you to make it true for yourself. Being worthy is your divine inheritance. You were created by the Creator and in Her image, therefore, you cannot not be worthy. You do not determine your self worth. Let me say that once more: You do not determine your self worth. Now that we have established that it is not only a possibility, but that it is inherent in your being, we can take the next step.
The next thing you need to know is that there are tools that you can access to assist you in the awareness of your self worth. Probably the greatest tool of all is forgiveness. Here I am not referring to you forgiving someone else, I am referring to you forgiving yourself. Yes, you heard that correctly: You forgiving yourself. The most important thing you have to forgive yourself for is the fact that you have seen a creation created by the Creator as less than, as not deserving, as not worthy.
Are you greater than the Creator? How in the world could we possibly presume that we know better than the One who created us? Since each of is an aspect of the Creator, and we know the Creator is worthy, the logic leads you to the conclusion that we must be worthy.
Honestly I do not believe you need to go any further. It should be abundantly clear to you now that you cannot not be worthy.
If you still are having trouble seeing your self worth, I invite you to align to your Higher Self, the one that knows your truth and is in sync with the higher vibrational frequency. From this perspective you are only visible as a perfect creation of the Creator, that is who you are in truth. You are immutable, always have been and always will be. No matter what you are telling yourself that is in contrast to this, it is not true. Let me repeat that: it is not true.
One last suggestion is to recognize the magnificence of your brother and reflect back to him his worthiness. Once you can see it in someone else you will be able to own it for yourself.
You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.