The Purest Peace

What I have realized is that recently I have been frequently experiencing the purest peace that one can imagine. Don’t get me wrong I do not inhabit that space all of the time. I go in and out of it. Sometimes it is a conscious effort and sometimes it is truly effortless. Those times when I find myself there and cannot express how I arrived there; I am in such a state of awe. This is when I need to offer the deepest gratitude to God. From my experience there is nothing that compares to this in this world. NOTHING!

One thing I know for certain, and maybe it is the only thing I know for certain, is that I am one with God and, therefore, He cannot not Love me entirely.

I know I can count on His Love all of the time. It is a constant in my life. Do I forget that He Loves me? Absolutely. But not too much time passes before I realize once again that I am Loved.

God’s Love is not the kind of love we experience with other beings on planet earth. His Love is truly unconditional. When you feel it, it is like nothing else you have felt before. It surrounds you in a way that is indescribable. It is all encompassing. Not one molecule is excluded from His Love because it is Him. Everything is God. Therefore, He cannot not Love a part of Him.

This is extremely comforting to know because those times when I fall short of the mark I know He still Loves me. Don’t forget I am human.

The other day I was having one of my moments, you know the ones I mean, when you are doubting if God is hearing you, because nothing seems to be going the way you want it to. You ask Him: Are you there? No response. I was relating this experience to a dear friend who as I was telling him this he felt the sensation of a hand firmly but gently supporting him and directing him forward. As he described this to me I felt the same sensation. The sense of calm and the purest peace enveloped my body and sent a tingling throughout each cell.

So now I have this beautiful touch point to refer to every time I find myself in that place of doubt. I know that God has my best interest at heart and is planning my present and future. He literally has my back.