The Route Has Not Been Set

The Route Has Not Been Set

These six words turned out to be extremely profound for me.

I was in my car, parked on the side of the road and on the phone and obviously not paying attention. I was not fully present for the conversation. My mind was wandering and it caught a glimpse of a button on my dash that I had not been aware of before. It had printed on it the word “Voice”. I couldn’t for the life of me imagine what that meant. My curiosity got the best of me and I had to push it. The words “The route has not been set” came out of my speakers.

This came right as I was complaining about wanting to know how everything was going to happen. It was actually a lot more like whining. I was frustrated that I didn’t know what was next, I didn’t know the plan (or the route).

I almost passed those six words by without giving them the attention they deserved. Once I said them out loud to myself I knew that the Voice was speaking to me. I knew that it was not a coincidence that I happened to push the button at that exact moment.

There was a profound lesson for me to learn from those six words. So often you hear the phrase “God or the Universe (whichever you prefer) is always speaking to you”. The problem with me is that I frequently do not listen. I do not pay attention. I have missed many opportunities to learn my lessons. The beautiful thing about this experience we call life on planet earth is that we usually get another opportunity to learn the lesson. This will go on and on and on and on until we do learn it. At least, this has been my experience.

I am grateful that I recognized it for what it was: an incredible gift.

The gift (or lesson) I was offered was by staying in the present moment I will experience the most profound sense of peace so there is no need to worry about what comes next. In addition, I was reminded of the fact that someone who has my best interest at heart has planned my past, present and future.

The route has not been set. It will be revealed to you. Your only responsibility is to stay present.