Who Am I?

You are not who you think you are. I want to be really emphatic about that.

You are NOT who you think you are.

I won’t bother going into the long list of possibilities of who you think you are because the only thing that matters is who you truly are.

I will, however, address the difficulty you will experience when you begin to ask the question: Who Am I? The problem, you will discover, is that the ego self does not want you to know who you truly are.

The ego self has a vested interest in keeping you ignorant of your truth.

Your ego self has kept you from knowing this truth. It wants you to play small. It wants to keep you captive in the prison it has created for you.

Trust me if your prison is anything like mine it is easily understandable why you don’t want to leave. The ego self did a masterful job creating my prison and keeping me from even wondering if that was all there was to life.

One day I started asking the questions. You know the questions I mean: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?

Instantly, the veneer on the walls of my prison started to peel away. My prison did not seem so appealing any longer. In fact, I was then able to see it for what it was. I had no idea all that time that I was residing in a prison.

I, then desperately wanted to discover what was beyond the prison walls. I knew there had to be more than just what I had experienced.

I kept asking those three questions until I finally got the whole truth.

Do you want to know the answer to the question: Who Am I?

You are an Aspect of The Creator.

Once more: You are an Aspect of The Creator.

Let that sink in.

You are The Divine Self, a.k.a. The Christed Self, The Creative Self, Your True Self, The Eternal Self, The Conscious Self, The Higher Self!

As such, you have access to power that is beyond anything you can comprehend.